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THE KING i love my country, india. deep passion exists which is driven to the maximum by the lineage of hindu king porus. i have put up my thoughts on the most important facets that make this country great and in the ways we are getting ahead to be a developed nation after independence.
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Republic of India (By Sumith Kumar Puri - The King)
The Constitution of the Republic of India, has the following Preamble.

"WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY, of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;


Since the Independence of India, i.e., 15th of August 1947, we have made significant strides in all areas that govern the growth of a country. I have enlisted below some of the Notable Achievements and Details. We are a growing economy that is moving fast towards being a developed nation, first in Asia and then in the World. Though we still have multiple nagging issues like Border Disuptes, Terrorism, Insurgency, Poverty, Crime and even Separatist Movements - We are fighting hard to conquer this and grow ahead as a Nation.

Checkout 75 Defining Achievements of India across Science, Technology, Economics, Military and Politics - Credits to [Jagran Josh] :

India being a democratic republic has a public election system, with the full government term being five years. The most important political parties of India are Indian National Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party and Communist Party of India.  The economic development plan of the nation is  usually made public via five-year plans. Indian National Congress is the prominent party in terms of the number of times they have proved majority. The population of India is the second in the world, next only to China. We are the seventh largest country by area. The current ruling party is National Democratic Alliance (NDA).

Indian Military is one of the finest and ranked at about fourth in the world. The combination of Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, Indian Cost Guard and Indian Paramilitary is among the finest in terms of human resources and training. India has been in possession of nuclear weapons since 1974 and maintains a no-first use and a nuclear deterrence policy against nuclear adversaries. India's nuclear missiles include the Prithvi, the Agni, the Shaurya, Sagarika, Dhanush, and others. India has long range strategic bombers like the Tupolev Tu-22 M3 and Tupolev Tu-142 as well as fighter jets like Sukhoi Su-30MKI, Dassault Mirage 2000, MiG-29 and HAL Tejas capable of being armed with nuclear tipped bombs and missiles. Since India doesn't have a nuclear first use against an adversary, it becomes important to protect from a first strike. Presently, this protection is provided by the two layered Anti-Ballistic missile defense system. India conducted its first test with the Agni-V, a MIRVed ICBM, in April 2012.

India cotinues to be One of the Fastest Growing and Developing Economies of Asia and the World. The Gross Domestic Product of India in 2018 was Ranked #7 by the International Monetary Fund. National Democratic Alliance led by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), was in helm of economic affairs from 2014. India's gross domestic product (GDP) at constant prices grew by 7.2 per cent in September-December 2017 quarter as per the Central Statistics Organisation (CSO). India has retained its position as the Third Largest Startup Base in the world with over 4,750 technology startups, with about 1,400 new start-ups being founded in 2016, according to a report by NASSCOM. India's Labour Force is expected to touch 160-170 million by 2020, based on Rate of Population Growth, Increased Labour Force Participation, and Higher Education Enrolment, among other factors, according to a study by ASSOCHAM*. India's Foreign Exchange Reserves were US$ 422.53 Billion in the week up to March 23, 2018, according to data from the RBI. The Indian Economy was premised on the Concept of Planning. The Five-Year Growth Plans, from 1951 to 2017, were completely replaced by the Three-Year NITI Aayog Action Plans from 2017.

In the 20th century, several Indian writers have distinguished themselves not only in traditional Indian languages but also in English. India's only Nobel laureate in literature was the Bengali writer Rabindranath Tagore, who wrote some of his work originally in English, and did some of his own English translations from Bengali. India's best selling English-language novelist of all-time is the contemporary writer Chetan Bhagat. More recent major writers in English who are either Indian or of Indian origin and derive much inspiration from Indian themes are R. K. Narayan, Vikram Seth, Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy, Raja Rao, Amitav Ghosh, Rohinton Mistry, Vikram Chandra, Khushwant Singh, Shashi Tharoor, Nayantara Sehgal, Anita Desai, Jhumpa Lahiri, Gita Mehta, Ruskin Bond and Bharati Mukherjee.In recent years, English-Language writers of Indian Origin are being published in the West at an increasing rate.Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy, Kiran Desai and Arvind Adiga have won the prestigious Man Booker Prize, with Salman Rushdie going on to win the Booker of Bookers.

From the 1990s onwards, Indian artists began to increase the forms they used in their work. Painting and Sculpture remained important, though in the work of leading artists such as Subodh Gupta, Narayanan Ramachandran, Vivan Sundaram, Jitish Kallat, they often found radical new directions. Contemporary Indian art takes influence from all over the world. With many Indian artists immigrating to the west, art for some artists has been a form of expression merging their past with their current in Western Culture. Also, the increase in the discourse about Indian art, in English as well as vernacular Indian languages, appropriated the way art was perceived in the art schools. The last decade or so has also witnessed an increase in Art magazines like Art India (Bombay), Art & Deal (New Delhi), Indian Contemporary Art Journal (Bombay) complementing the catalogues produced by the respective galleries. India is the largest producer of films and is multi-lingual. Indian market generates the Third Largest Revenues in the World for Movies of all Languages.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), under the Department of Space (DOS), is responsible for research, development and operationalisation of space systems in the areas of satellite communications, remote sensing for resource survey, environmental monitoring, meteorological services, etcIndian agriculture benefited from the developments made in the fields of Biotechnology, for which a separate department was created in 1986 under the Ministry of Science and Technology. Both the Indian private sector and the government have invested in the medical and agricultural applications of biotechnology. Massive Biotech parks were established in India while the government provided tax deduction for research and development under biotechnological firms. India's (Indian Origin) prominent scientists have won Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry and Medicine.

Cricket is the most important sport in the country, the soul of a nation in a way. Hockey is the official national sport, though. India has won the cricket world cup twice since its inception,  in 1983 and then again in 2011. We have won the Hockey World Cup and are quite a dominating force in Asia. We have won Olympics medals, since Independence in Hockey, Wrestling, Tennis, Badminton, Boxing, Shooting and Weightlifting. India has also former world champions in Chess, Golf and Boxing. India has good track and field, athletics record in Asia and Commonwealth Games. It also has embraced newer sport like F1 Racing, becoming part of the circuit. There is also immense participation in events like Volleyball, Basketball and Table-Tennis. The Government allocates necessary funds for development of most sport and at all ages. This also involves improving quality of players and sport at the grassroot levels. There is a national association of almost all sports, with leagues and participation from the states.

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