The Professional The Student The Person The King The Entrepreneur
THE PROFESSIONAL this section mentions my contributions to open source, including the projects which i have started on my own. it additionally enlists other important independent projects and website designs; which are almost professional or commercial grade. it also has links to code downloads and some important links to web products or dotcoms.
short bio
welcome > home > the professional > coderanch

Additional Projects of Sumith Kumar Puri - The Professional
I graduated from Sri Revana Siddeshwara Institute of Technology, Bangalore as Bachelor of Engineering, Information Science in July 2003. The following is a list of projects which were independent, open source or done very informally or at a very early age. Some of them were incomplete, though only slightly and some of them are ongoing. The status of each of them is clearly mentioned against each of the projects, as also the real users or customers of this product.

Personal Projects (Portfolio)
Below is a showcase of my Personal Projects, built using Non-Proprietary Code and for Non-Commercial Usage. Mostly, they are demo, learning or prototype projects.

Software Architect Portfolio - Personal Projects

Brahmashira - Full-Text Search Engine
Built using Java, J2EE, Hibernate Search, Apache Lucene

Ti Ta To - Web Version of Popular Tic-Tac-Toe
Built using Core Java, Servlet, AI Algorithms (Minimax)

Kabutar - Simple Web Text Chat System
Built using Java, Servlet, DWR/COMET, Ajax, JSP/DHTML

GitHub Coderanch (Sample Code / Mock Projects / Code from Blog Articles)

 GitHub Coderanch - Sample Code, Mock Projects
[GitHub Repository of Sumith Kumar Puri:Java Code Geek, DZone Most Valuable Blogger, Author at,,; Senior Member, ACM; Senior Member, IEEE; Member, CSI;]

Open Source (Incomplete / In Progress)
#Z [2007] JAR Searcher - SourceForge/Open Source
Roles: Conceptualization, Architect, Development > Domain: Developer Tools >
Technologies: Java/J2EE, JSP, mySQL and Tomcat > Live Projects using this Component: None (As of July 2015) > Status: Ongoing
JAR Searcher is used to search for class files within JARs that are located on a system, or within an intranet. It is planned to extend it to include the internet as well. I developed this utility and have placed it in Sourceforge under LGPL for public usage and download. There is a minimal user interface developed using JSP for the purposes of search in an intranet environment. The non-private intranet environment is automatically detected once the application is deployed.

#Y [2010] Abuse Filter - SourceForge/Open Source
Roles: Conceptualization, Architect, Development > Domain: Search/Filter Tools >
Technologies: Java/J2EE, JSP, mySQL and Tomcat > Live Projects using this Component: None (As of July 2015)  > Status: Alpha
AbuseFilter is used to detect any abuse or profanity in the provided input. It can be used as a standalone component or as a servlet filter and then be used as a protection against abuse words. It is fully configurable and customizable so that it can take on additional words with minimal effort. Also, the level of filtering and the logging information can be configured.

#W [2011] Text Searcher - SourceForge/Open Source 
Roles: Conceptualization, Architect, Development > Domain: Search Tools >  > Status: Prototype
Technologies: Java/J2EE, Ajax, Servlet, JAX-WS, mySQL and Tomcat  > Live Projects using this Component: None (As of July 2015)
Text Searcher is used to perform a fast search on an extensive and historical database and then return the results, based on queries for evolving text. The application works in two modes, one in local hosted mode and the other in the internet mode.

#W [2014] Mowglee - SourceForge/Open Source 
Roles: Conceptualization, Architect, Development, Academic > Domain: Intelligent Agent >  > Status: v0.2
Technologies: Core Java  > Live Projects using this Component: None (As of July 2015)
Mowglee is a distributed web crawler designed for geographic affinity. It is multi-threaded in nature, with usage of asynchronous task executors. It is modular, configurable and customizable. It was done as part of my final project at Proficience [Intelligent Agents] at the Centre for Continuing Education, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.

Website Design (Non Professional / Own Use)















[Wesbite Design - Not Done as Part of Employment, Contracts - Created using Web 1.0 (DHTML) for my Own Startups, Own Pesonal Websites - But all Sites were Live on the Internet during various Time Periods.]

Independent Projects (Teenage Programmer / Own Use)

#V [1995] Inventory Management System - Independent
Roles: Developer > Domain: Enteprise > Status: Complete/Retired
Technologies: Clipper, dBase III Plus and MS-DOS > Live Users using this System: Father's Business (Sunil Engineering Works/Esskay Industrial Enterprises)
A system for Product, Customer, Supplier System and Basic Invoicing. This include Advanced Reporting and Printing System for Inventory Control and for Records.

#U [1996] Letter Management System - Independent
Roles: Developer > Domain: Enteprise > Status: Complete/Retired 
Technologies: Clipper, dBase III Plus and MS-DOS > Live Users using this System: Father's Business (Sunil Engineering Works/Esskay Industrial Enterprises)
A System for Managing Letters to Customers, Suppliers and Other Stakeholders.  This also included the Functionality of Mail Merge, especially useful for Mass Mailers.

#T [1998] Financial Accounts System - Independent
Roles: Developer > Domain: Enteprise Finance > Status: Incomplete/Retired
Technologies: Clipper, dBase III Plus and MS-DOS > Live Users using this System: Father's Business (Sunil Engineering Works/Esskay Industrial Enterprises)
A System for Managing Financial Accounts such as Sales, Purchase, Damages, Ledger and Accounting. This Incorporated an Advanced Reporting and Printing System, as well.

#S [1997] Trade Game (Monopoly) - Independent
Roles: Developer > Domain: Enteprise  > Status: Incomplete/Prototype
Technologies: Clipper, dBase III Plus and MS-DOS > Live Users using this System: None
The Popular Trade Game (Indian Version of Monopoly) is what I had Attempted. I had Programmed the aspects such as Dice Rolling, 'Site' Management and User Management.

#R [1998] Cricket Game (Textual) - Independent
Roles: Developer > Domain: Enteprise  > Status: Incomplete/Prototype
Technologies: Clipper, dBase III Plus and MS-DOS > Live Users using this System: None
The Textual Version of the Cricket Game (Inspired by a Different Commerical Version of those times). I had Programmed Aspects of User Interface, Team Management and Basic Random Scoring.

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